This program checks whether two given strings, `s` and `t`, are anagrams of each other. An anagram is a rearrangement of the letters in one string to form another, using all letters exactly once. The code achieves this by sorting both strings in lexicographical order and then comparing the sorted results. If the sorted versions of `s` and `t` are identical, the function returns `true`, indicating that `t` is an anagram of `s`. Otherwise, it returns `false`. Sorting ensures that all characters in the two strings appear in the same order, making it easy to determine if they are composed of the same characters.
For example, in the input where `s = "anagram"` and `t = "nagaram"`, sorting both strings results in `"aaagmnr"`. Since these sorted strings are equal, the output is `true`. Conversely, for `s = "rat"` and `t = "car"`, the sorted versions are `"art"` and `"acr"`, which are not equal, so the output is `false`. The time complexity of the solution is determined by the sorting operation, which is \(O(n \log n)\), where \(n\) is the length of the string. The program is efficient for moderate-sized inputs, but for very large strings, an alternative approach, such as using a frequency array, could reduce the complexity to \(O(n)\). Additionally, the code handles edge cases like empty strings (which are trivially anagrams) or strings of different lengths (which cannot be anagrams). This program is useful in scenarios like validating word puzzles or checking for anagram groups in text processing tasks.